
斯隆 Berger-Chen



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我在那里看病人 (2)



    Dr Berger Chen was incredible kind patient and helpful throughout the entire procedure. I was incredibly nervous before and during it and she helped ease those concerns while walking through the entire process.
    见面更好. Good medical care requires the full attention of the physician on the patient (not the computer) SEEING the patient and LiSTENING to the patient and eatablishes care for the patient.
    优质的服务! 对病人态度很好. 她真的很在乎.
    I can't believe that I took time off from work to see this doctor. 服务很差. 我想听听其他的意见
    I don't feel like I was provided a comprehensive understanding of the medical issue the options and the risk and benefits of those options. It felt as though if I didn't ask any questions or the right question then I wouldn't get the answer. After meeting with the care provider I don't actually know the severity of what I'm dealing with and I know that should I seek to follow up it will cost me more money.
    老实说,我们的时间被缩短了——这可能不是她的错. She didnt see my ultrasound test results which was what I wanted her to evaluate and review OR my CT scan. 然后她建议我做子宫切除术,但我不想做. 肯定还有别的选择. 我知道这不是我第一次参加竞技表演.
    她是我最喜欢的十大赌博平台排行榜,也是最好的. 她是如此的关心和倾听,是移情,是如此的善良.
    我女儿看过的最善良的十大赌博平台排行榜. Spoke to my daughter was very friendly tried to put her at ease. 这是我从十大赌博平台排行榜那里得到的最好的服务!!!
    Felt judgement and pressure regarding my choice of birth control and lack of care regarding the concerns I wanted to discuss. 我觉得赶着去做appt
    虽然没有分享具体的经历. Berger-Chen far exceeds any expectations of a medical provider. She listens considers everything including patient concerns and gives her best suggestions. 她善良、耐心、见多识广. 我希望她知道她是多么珍贵.
    我很高兴被介绍给. 感谢她对我的照顾. 我希望她以后能继续做我的妇科十大赌博平台排行榜.
    The provider and nurse assistant gave contradictory advice on follow-up care. The nurse assistant was very helpful so we went with her advice.
    She had me waiting over 40 minutes with no apology or explanation
    我希望有更多像加州大学旧金山分校这样的十大赌博平台排行榜. Berger-Chen. 知识. 脚踏实地. 富有同情心的.
    She threw around three treatment plans and didn't tell me which one I should do. She was pushing surgery and said otherwise it's up to me which plan and the way she said it was very passive aggressive. I was overwhelmed emotional and there was little time or empathy to help me find a solution.
    Excellent doctor very attentive and respectful at all times. Very concerned about my health problems in general and willing to help me in all my health problems. 最好的 .
    I was surprised I never got a post-procedure set of instructions or after-visit summary
    The Provider respected my concerns and helped me feel that I had a real part in some of the decisions about my care.
    非常有见地的访问. 问问题很舒服. 我期待着以后能继续和她联系.
    这些信息是可靠的,非常有用的见解. 也非常轻视交付. More than once remarked she wasn't sure how I had a first child without learning some of the things I was asking about. If I can't ask vulnerable questions in the doctor's office and have it be a safe space where can I??
    我感到十大赌博平台排行榜对我很居高临下. My friend who was with me for emotional support also felt that way and said if it had been her in the chair she would have been crying. First I brought my friend with me for support because I get anxiety when it comes to my IUD. The doctor dismissed my request to pull a chair close to me so that my friend could hold my hand. 我问她时,她轻蔑地看着我. Another thing I will add is that before even examining me she came in the room with the introduction of "So you're clearly very anxious. 你来过多少次我就知道了." (For context I have come in one other time besides my IUD insertion and 6 week checkup). When she examined me she found that I did indeed have a cyst and that that was what probably had been causing me discomfort and that I should come in in 6 weeks to see if it goes away. I feel my anxiety soothed now that I know what it is and I wish that I had had a care provider who had not treated me patronistically/condescendingly in the process. She repeatedly told me I should go on SSRIs which is advice I did not ask for. I am managing my mental health quite well with other people on my care team and the field of mental health is my wheelhouse as I am in graduate school to become a psychotherapist. Overall I was shocked at the quality of care I received that day as my other experiences with other OBGYNS at your practice have been well beyond my expectations. I have submitted glowing reviews for the other providers I have seen and they brought a high level of trauma-informed care and personal warmth and regard. 我很乐意和你进一步讨论这个问题.
    I was impressed with how the doctor presented screening options for breast cancer and STIs. I could immediately tell that she was treating listening and valuing my choices.
    Please check with your health insurance plan regarding coverage for this type of care. Not all providers at UCSF are covered by every insurance plan.
    This provider is employed by a medical group affiliated with UCSF.
